I am deeply elated in writing this message and invoking the Almighty’s benediction upon this Institution. With utmost esteem and contentment, I acknowledge the valuable support and encouragement of many committed personnel who have contributed to the present growth, stability and good reputation of the Institution

Over 30 years of glorious service in the field of education, is quite a time in the history of any Institution, particularly of the one devoted to impart education to the rural masses at the lowest possible price. The school endeavors to place its best for the new generations with intensity and sincerity. The teachers in the school are able to kindle a creative spark in the minds of the children, a desire for new knowledge and a passion to know more.

When we speak Education, it is more merely imparting knowledge and to develop skills in various subjects. Education should develop healthy and right attitude towards life in all aspects, guiding the individual towards reality. Education needs comprehensive firmness, intelligence as well as strength and kindness.

An education institution should not aim only at academic excellence, which is of little value. We need an education for life that will equip the students to face the present day problems with wit and courage and lead the life successfully and gracefully.

Our initiative is to aid in suggestive thoughts, supporting good practices and integration of value based education, simplifying the process of delivering authentic methods required to transform the pupil into an enlightened individual. Our vision is to combat the increasing expense in education at the rural level; to meet the growing demand for quality education at Primary and Secondary levels and to update ourselves to the trends in digital competencies in the field of education programmes & policies and to increase the need for skill-based and industry-relevant education;

The quality of an Institution is to envisage vision, integrity, courage, understanding, the power of articulation, and profundity of character. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.